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What we offer

With Alpha Investor you can find the ideal investors for your project. By registering to our database you can approach thousands of companies locally and internationally.

Investors have their own idea of where to invest their own money. Not only business policies, but also personal interests of the decision-makers influence this decision. Some companies or funds only work on specific types of projects. All relevant data about these firms is saved in our databank.

Based on this information, we select investors who could be interested in your project and we send them your offer directly. So you can be sure that your request will be well addressed and sent directly to competent individuals.

You are informed via e-mail about the number of offers sent and the reactions of the respective companies until potential investors contact you directly.

More Information about our database you get here.

This is for sure the most effective and cheapest way to contact investors, providers of funds and potential partners.

Your registration is valid for at least 3 months. To register, we ask you to pay a monthly charge of merely US $ 39.-. It is very cheap if you consider only all the money saved on postage and phone calls.

If you are not sure yet whether it is worth registering, you can run a free preliminary search and check how many potential investors you would find.

Of course your information is confidential .

Now don't hesitate to grab this opportunity. Register and finance your plans.



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